Track | Durée | Titre | Tablature |
1 | 01:58 | Evening Processional ("Gladsome Light"; Znamenny Chant) | |
2 | 00:58 | Tuesday Vespers Prokeimenon ("Thy mercy, O Lord"; Serbian Chant) | |
3 | 01:09 | Saint Symeon's Prayer ("Lord now lettest"; Byzantine Chant) | |
4 | 02:52 | Polyeleos ("Praise the name of the Lord"; Byzantine Chant) | |
5 | 03:43 | Resurrectional Evlogitaria ("Blessed art Thou, O Lord"; Byzantine Chant) | |
6 | 02:53 | Magnificat ("My soul magnifies the Lord"; Serbian Chant) | |
7 | 04:19 | Great Doxology ("Glory to God in the highest"; Byzantine Chant) | |
8 | 01:20 | Resurrectional Matins Troparion ("Having risen"; Znamenny Chant) | |
9 | 02:27 | Trisagion ("Holy God", Georgian Chant) | |
10 | 03:05 | Cherubic Hymn ("Let us who mystically"; Znamenny Chant) | |
11 | 04:10 | Cherubic Hymn ("Let us who mystically"; Georgian Chant melody; "Thou art a vineyard") | |
12 | 02:00 | Hymn to the Theotokos ("It is truly meet"; Bulgarian Chant) | |
13 | 00:58 | Kontakion ("My soul, my soul, arise"; Kievan Chant) | |
14 | 01:54 | Prayers of Compline ("Have mercy on us"; Valaam Chant) | |
15 | 03:04 | Koinonikon ("O taste and see"; Byzantine Chant) | |
16 | 01:28 | Exapostilarion ("Thy bridal chamber"; Russian "Bulgarian" Chant) | |
17 | 04:30 | Hymn of Kassiane ("The woman had fallen"; Byzantine Chant) | |
18 | 01:22 | Troparion ("When the glorious disciples"; Byzantine Chant) | |
19 | 01:16 | Kathisma Hymn ("How could Judas"; Carpatho-Russian Chant) | |
20 | 04:52 | Antiphon XV ("Today He who hung the earth upon the waters"; Byzantine Chant) | |
21 | 01:41 | Kathisma Hymn ("The soldiers guarding Thy tomb"; Bulgarian Chant) | |
22 | 02:51 | Canon Ode 9 ("Do not lament me"; Serbian Chant) | |
23 | 00:46 | Paschal Troparion ("Christ is risen"; Serbian and Byzantine Chant) | |
24 | 02:08 | Communion Psalm Antiphon ("God has gone up with a shout") | |