album cinema

les albums de cinema

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Hesternus Early Music Consort

102:16Canzona: La Scaramuccia
202:05Pavan from Pavans, Gallíards, and Almaíns
302:01The Fairie round from P,G,A
403:08The Cradle from P,G,A
501:35When Daphne did from Phoebus flie
602:31Canzon Prima
701:06La Lavendara from Two Sixteenth - Century Dances
801:07Vezzosette Nymph Belle
1001:17Un Sonar de Piva in Fachinesco
1101:58Courtly Masquing Ayre No. 9
1202:00I Always Loved to Call my Lady Rose
1401:57The Chessnutt
1505:19Canzona in d minor
1602:59Le bon vouloir from Quart and Cínquíesme lívre de danceríes
1701:36Two Bransles from Quart and Cínquíesme lívre de danceríes
1802:49Pavan from P,G,A
1901:08Two Courantes from Terpíschore
2002:47Spagnoletta from Terpíschore
2102:51Fantasia a 6