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Lebedik Yankel: Yiddish songs from Warsaw Volume 2

102:53Meydlekh sheyne (Pretty Girls)
202:32Ikh hob es nisht (I Don't Have It)
302:46A shayle baym rebn (A Question for the Rebbe)
404:59Di eybike mame (The Eternal Mother)
503:22Kadish nokh a yidishn zelner (Kaddish for a Jewish Soldier)
602:34Ikh for aheym (I'm Going Home)
702:47Al Chet di naye (The New 'Al Chet')
803:10Mayn vayb kumt fun Zakopane (My Wife's Coming Back from Vacation)
902:39Di meydlekh fun amol (Old-fashioned Girls)
1003:15Galitsianer khasene (A Galician Wedding)
1103:12On a heym (Homeless)
1203:34Di libe fun a heyliker mame (The Love of a Holy Mother)
1301:41Soni Boi (The Yiddish Sonny Boy)
1403:16A sakh melokhes, veynik brokhes (A Lot of Jobs, Not Much Luck)
1503:59Lo lanu di naye (The New 'Lo Lanu')
1603:16Oy mame, shlog mikh nisht (Oh Mama, Don't Beat Me)
1703:40Lebedik Yankel (Lively Yankel)
1902:45Tsirele, Mirele