album john fred and his playboy band

les albums de john fred and his playboy band

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The History of John Fred and the Playboys

103:02Judy in Disguise
202:20Agnes English
302:43Up and Down
403:06Somethimes You Just Can't Win
502:22She Shot a Hole in My Soul
603:02Boogie Children
702:08Night Owl
802:32Sun City
1004:22Back in the U.S.S.R.
1102:11When the Lights Go Out
1202:53You're on My Mind
1302:42Down to the Boogaloo
1402:30Doing the Best You Can
1503:01Harlem Shuffle
1602:17Silly Sarah Carter
1702:58Mary Jane
1802:33Hey, Hey Bunny
1902:38Most Unlikely to Succeed
2003:01Can I Get a Word In
2102:22Make Love to You
2203:27Out of Left Field