album nikolai rimsky-korsakov

les albums de nikolai rimsky-korsakov

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The Maid of Pskov (Ivan the Terrible) / Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh / Fairy Tale / Fantasia on Serbian Themes

105:31The Maid of Pskov: Overture (Before the Prologue)
203:48The Maid of Pskov: Entr'acte to Act I: Olga
305:25The Maid of Pskov: Entr'acte to Act II: The Assembly
401:40The Maid of Pskov: Entr'acte to Act III: Street Scene
505:38The Maid of Pskov: Entr'acte to Act IV: Pyechorsky Monastery
605:32Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh: Prelude: A Hymn to Nature
703:26Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh: Wedding Procession
804:33Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh: Tatar Invasion and Battle of Kerzhenets
909:47Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh: Death of Fevroniya and Apotheosis of the Invisible City
1019:10Fairy Tale (Skazka), op. 29
1108:18Fantasia on Serbian Themes, op. 6