album scuba divers

les albums de scuba divers

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An Elizabethan Songbook

scuba divers - An Elizabethan Songbook
102:09Sing a Song of Joy
202:04Eliza Is the Fairest Queen
302:31The Honeysuckle
403:24What Then Is Love Sings Coridon
502:12What Then Is Love but Mourning
600:48What Thing Is Love?
702:07Galliard "Shall I Strive"
804:28I Sigh, as Sure to Wear the Fruit
903:21Sorrow, Come
1000:48Heigh-Ho Holiday
1103:36Shall I Sue
1202:15Breake Now My Heart and Dye
1302:35Woo Her and Win Her
1403:10The Peaceful Western Wind
1502:29Sweet Philomel
1602:11I Care Not for These Ladies
1700:50Courante on "I Care Not for These Ladies"
1802:51A Pretty Duck, There Was
1903:07Witty Wanton
2003:49Faine Would I Wed
2101:44Mother, I Will Have a Husband
2202:45Now Hath Flora Robb'd Her Bow'rs
2301:50Move Now With Measured Sound
2403:31Rest, Sweet Nymphs
2503:04Sing We and Chant It