album the cog is dead

les albums de the cog is dead

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Songs of the People

104:10The Legendary Jack Hunter
203:33Mirte Against the Big City
304:30Sail With Me
404:12Live to Fight Another Day
502:07The Greatest Team That Never Was
603:59The Boy Beneath
704:36Cunning Casanova
803:59Michael Byrd the Flying Man
903:09Never Gonna Get Away
1003:48Oil on the Floor
1103:45The Girl and the Clockwork Dragon
1203:47Never Go Into the Woods
1304:18The Story of Steaklas
1403:22A Humble Servant Horrified
1503:32Captain Gustave Foster Vs the Metal Underground Army
1604:45Sunset Val the Pirate Queen
1707:00The Marvelous Mr. Lowe