album traditionnel

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An Old English Christmas

103:49Medley: The Holly and the Ivy / The Cherry Tree Carol
203:43Medley: The Gooding Carol / Good Christian Men Rejoice
302:50The Sussex Carol
403:21Angels We Have Heard on Highoui
503:42Medley: Masters in This Hall / The Golden Carol of the Wisemen
603:16In the Bleak Midwinter
702:51God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemenoui
803:53The First Noeloui
903:33Medley: Deck the Halls / The Boar's Head Carol
1002:54The Coventry Carol
1102:48Ding Dong Merrily on High
1204:06Medley: The Gloucestershire Wassail / A Wassail, a Wassail
1303:27Away in a Mangeroui
1402:30We Wish You a Merry Christmasoui