album traditionnel

les albums de traditionnel

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Are You Willing?

traditionnel - Are You Willing?
105:14Obsessive Island: Obsessive Island: Claire's Jig / Dennis Langtou's / Calum Findlay
204:07Marches: Cameron Highlanders / Train Journey North / Lachlan McPhail of Tiree
304:31Lily of the West
404:12Jigs of Brown Ale: Jug of Brown Ale / Tony O'Sullivan's / The Lisnagun Jig
503:14The Knight on the Road
603:18Punch in the Face: Lads of Laois / Punch in the Dark
705:59Cregg's Pipes Set: The Gneevguillia Reel / Are You Willing? / Hanley's Tweed / Niamh's Capers / Cregg's Pipes
803:21Slow Air
904:38The Road to Clady
1004:44Promised Rain: Miss Patricia Meagher / Promised Rain / Splendid Isolation / McFadden's Handsome Daughter
1104:37Galway Bay: Galway Bay / Craigellachie Brig / Micho Russell's Mason's Apron