album traditionnel

les albums de traditionnel

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Solomon the Supersonic Salamander 2: Telling the Truth

102:38Solomon the Supersonic Salamander
201:46Good Morning (dialog)
302:05The Truth Is the Truth Is the Truth
402:17Who's Aunt Sally? (dialog)
502:24Make It to the Bank on Time
600:52I'll Beat 'em to It! (dialog)
702:17Take My Advice (Bo Evil's Song)
802:20Make Sure It's a Long Tour (dialog)
903:14Train Up a Child
1001:36The Time of Your Lives! (dialog)
1103:13Wing Low's Fast Chariot
1201:03Good People Will Be Guided by Honesty (dialog)
1302:16Never Ever Right to Lie
1400:52He's a Bad Guy (dialog)