album wiener philharmoniker

les albums de wiener philharmoniker

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Khatchaturian conducts Spartacus & Gayaneh VPO

109:09Spartacus: Adagio of Spartacus and Phrygia
203:19Spartacus: Variation of Aegina and Bacchanalia
303:40Spartacus: Scene and Dance With Crotala
407:02Spartacus: Dance of Gaditanae and Victory of Spartacus
502:26Gayaneh-Suite: Sabre dance
605:11Gayaneh-Suite: Aysheh's awakening and dance
702:43Gayaneh-Suite: Lezghinka
804:18Gayaneh-Suite: Gayaneh's Adagio
903:04Gayaneh-Suite: Gopak